Heat Treated Pallets

International Shipping Pallets Differ from American Pallets

With industry and commerce becoming more globally interconnected than ever, businesses of all sizes and scales find themselves facing the challenges of shipping their products across international borders. With wooden shipping pallets serving as such an essential element of the supply chain that two billion pallets are in active use in the United States alone [...]

Pallet Mold Protection

In the wood pallet industry, “mold” is a small word that can mean big trouble for suppliers and customers alike. The problem of mold is varied and diverse, and has naturally given rise to a wide array of approaches for combating it, each with its own advantages and drawbacks. Avoiding the growth of mold on [...]

By |2021-06-03T19:11:09-04:00June 3rd, 2021|Heat Treated Pallets, Pallet Information|0 Comments

Mold Prevention for Wooden Pallets

Mold…it’s not a pretty sight anywhere! And it’s an especially vexing problem when it shows up on pallets. It is a common problem due to moisture and it is “coming increasingly under scrutiny as food safety requirements continue to become a priority,” according to Rick LeBlanc in an article on the website The Balance. In [...]

By |2022-04-20T15:42:13-04:00December 12th, 2017|Avoid Injuries, Heat Treated Pallets, News|0 Comments

Why Heat Treated Pallets are a Better Choice than Chemical Fumigation

Greenway Products & Services supplies heat-treated, ISPM compliant pallets throughout NJ, NY, PA, MD & DE. We supply businesses that export product across the globe with shipping pallets of all freight classifications. Wood pallets must be treated to prevent the transport of harmful pests, fungus, and other contaminants. As environmental concerns rise worldwide it is [...]

By |2022-04-20T15:12:03-04:00October 9th, 2016|Export Pallets, Heat Treated Pallets, News|0 Comments

All You Need To Know About Heat Treated Pallets

Why are Pallets sometimes Heat Treated? Pallets are heat treated because it protects them from bugs and insects that get into the pallets and eventually our forest. All pallets  shipped internationally must be heat treated. They are stamped with a regulatory agency's stamp. The agency audits pallet companies to make sure they comply with heat [...]

By |2022-04-21T17:09:10-04:00November 13th, 2015|Heat Treated Pallets, News|Comments Off on All You Need To Know About Heat Treated Pallets